1 10, 2022

The Defence Toolkit – October 1, 2022

By |2023-02-14T04:09:26-07:00October 1st, 2022|Accused Criminal Record, Collateral Consequences, Confidential Informants, Gladue - Mitigation, Harsh Bail, Search Incident to Arrest, Sentencing, State Misconduct|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v King, 2022 ONCA 665: Gladue in Corbett, R v Demirovic, 2022 NSCA 56: s.8 and #informants, and R v Starrett, 2022 ABKB [...]

5 06, 2021

The Defence Toolkit – June 5, 2021

By |2024-06-19T10:35:37-06:00June 5th, 2021|Absence of Motive to Fabricate, Confidential Informants, Credibility, Evidence, Possession, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Swain, 2021 BCCA 207: comp #motive to fabricate, R v Chu, 2021 ONSC 3825: #possession, and R v Fowler, 2021 [...]

31 10, 2020

The Defence Toolkit – October 31, 2020

By |2023-02-14T03:49:51-07:00October 31st, 2020|Accused's Prior Exculpatory Statements, Charter s.7, Charter s.8, Confidential Informants, Entrapment, Evidence, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Sanhueza, 2020 BCCA 279: accused out-of-court #statement, W(D), R v CDR, 2020 ONSC 5030: #entrapment, and R v Kohut, [...]

7 06, 2020

The Defence Toolkit – June 7, 2020

By |2021-06-11T17:55:52-06:00June 7th, 2020|Charter s.7, Charter s.8, Confidential Informants, Entrapment, Gladue - Mitigation, Sentencing, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Ahmad, 2020 SCC 11, R v Neepin, 2020 MBCA 55, and R v Truong, 2020 ABQB 337. [...]

19 04, 2020

The Defence Toolkit – April 19, 2020

By |2020-04-19T11:05:51-06:00April 19th, 2020|Charter 11(b), Charter s.8, Charter s.9, Confidential Informants, Evidence, Possession, Post-Verdict Delay, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Hartling, 2020 ONCA 243, R v Simon, 2020 NSCA 25, and R v Broderick, 2020 ONSC [...]

1 03, 2020

The Defence Toolkit – March 1, 2020

By |2020-03-01T08:40:52-07:00March 1st, 2020|Charter s.8, Charter s.9, Confidential Informants, Detached Reflection Not Required, Possession, Self-Defence, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Lights, 2020 ONCA 128, R v Robertson, 2020 SKCA 8, and R v Hussein, 2020 SKPC 8. [...]

26 01, 2020

The Defence Toolkit – January 26, 2020

By |2023-02-14T03:56:29-07:00January 26th, 2020|2019 Amendments Substantive, Appeals, Charter s.8, Confidential Informants, Juries, Misapprehension of Evidence, Peremptory Challenge, Strip Search|1 Comment

This week's top three summaries: R v Chouhan, 2020 ONCA 40, R v CEK, 2019 ABCA 2, and R v Roberts, 2019 SKPC 72. [...]

3 03, 2019

The Defence Toolkit – March 3, 2019

By |2019-03-03T10:44:21-07:00March 3rd, 2019|Answering Jury Questions, Charter s.8, Confidential Informants, Dog Sniff Search - Grounds for Arrest, Inference v. Speculation, Juries, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Herta, 2018 ONCA 927, R v Williams, 2019 BCCA 49, and R v Rigo, 2018 BCSC 1807 [...]

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