About Pawel Milczarek

Pawel is a partner at Sitar & Milczarek. When he's not litigating he writes the Defence Toolkit blog.
11 05, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – May 11, 2024

By |2024-05-11T09:59:01-06:00May 11th, 2024|Abandonment, Charter s.8, French language rights, Fundamental Concepts, Sentencing, SOIRA Exemption|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Tayo Tompouba, 2024 SCC 16: #French rights, R v Williams, 2024 ONSC 1170: s.8 #abandonment, and [...]

4 05, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – May 4, 2024: “May the Force be With You”

By |2024-05-04T08:48:22-06:00May 4th, 2024|Fundamental Concepts, Gap in Record, Mens Reas Co-existence, Non-Insane Automatism, Sentencing|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Thomas, 2024 NWTCA 3: Mens Rea & Actus Reus, R v Criece, 2024 SKCA 41: sentence [...]

20 04, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – April 20, 2024: Blackout

By |2024-04-20T09:10:08-06:00April 20th, 2024|Appeals, Capacity to Consent, External Facts and Credibility, Sexual Assault, Standard of Review - Sentencing|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Green, 2024 ABCA 118: #blackout and sex, R v TH, 2024 BCCA 123: CSO and appeal [...]

13 04, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – April 13, 2024: “Murder Advice”

By |2024-04-13T08:53:16-06:00April 13th, 2024|Bad Character Evidence, Common Sense Assumptions, Credibility, Failure to Consider Accused Evidence, Mr. Big Evidence, Probative v Prejudicial|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Amin, 2024 ONCA 237: #Mr Big and #murder advice, R v Patel, 2024 NSCA 40: #common [...]

30 03, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – March 30, 2024: The Agent of Entrapment

By |2024-03-30T09:53:18-06:00March 30th, 2024|Charter s.7, Entrapment, Presence at Trial s.650, Procedure, Publication - Anonymization|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Krawczyk, 2024 ONCA 196: #entrapment & Vetrovec, R v Mills, 2024 ONCA 204: accused #presence, and [...]

23 03, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – March 23, 2024: Guns Exclusion on Rights to Counsel

By |2024-03-23T10:49:49-06:00March 23rd, 2024|Accused Testimony - Bare Denial, Charter s24(2), Collusion, Credibility, Juries, Jury Charge - Isolating Evidence, s.10(b) Violation|1 Comment

This week's top three summaries: R v Whittaker, 2024 ONCA 182: 24(2) on rights to #counsel, R v RI, 2024 ONCA 185: bare [...]

16 03, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – March 16, 2024: “Common Sense Assumptions”

By |2024-03-16T10:10:32-06:00March 16th, 2024|Common Sense Assumptions, Credibility, Sexual Assault, Sexual History s 276|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Krak, 2024 SSC 7: #common sense, R v Ali, 2024 ONSC 1356: s276 #inconsistencies, and R [...]

9 03, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – March 8, 2024: Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

By |2024-03-09T07:18:58-07:00March 9th, 2024|Charter s.8, Overseizure, Pre-Trial Custody, Reasonable Expectation of Privacy, Warrants|1 Comment

This week's top three summaries: R v Bykovets, 2024 SCC 6: #privacy & IPs, R v Gill, 2024 BCCA 63: #overseizure, and R [...]

2 03, 2024

The Defence Toolkit – March 2, 2024 “Assumptions about Dealers”

By |2024-03-02T10:19:47-07:00March 2nd, 2024|Charter 11(b), Charter s.8, Credibility, Defence Reasonably Available, Manner of Execution, Motive to Fabricate, Warrants|0 Comments

This week's top three summaries: R v Harper, 2024 ONSC 925: s.8 #dynamic entry, R v Walters, 2024 ONSC 978: family law #collusion, [...]

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